Seller’s Property Checklist

Skiles and Associates
First Impressions are very important. Make the yard and exterior as appealing as possible.

Market value is determined in several ways:

The True Market Value of your Home is determined by what a Buyer will Pay for your property. Often, Buyers base their assessment of value on:
  • Paint There are very few things that will improve the saleability of a home more than a clean, well maintained, exterior appearance. New paint seems to speak volumes about how the home has been maintained. If possible and if needed, have the exterior repaired if needed and new paint applied. A potential Buyer, and ultimately the appraiser are almost sure to have a better opinion of the property.
  • Front Entry Give special care to this area. The first close inspection of the property takes place in this area. All woodwork should be clean, freshly painted and the floors in very good condition. Repaint the front door if necessary. A clean door knows and door bell is generally noticed. Make sure that shrubs and flower beds are in top condition.
  • Yard Keep the lawn mowed and trimmed. Weed flower beds. Replace dead or missing shrubs and plants. If there is a pet, keep the area tidy. If the pet is prone to being very friendly or aggressive, keep the pet in an area of the yard that allows the Buyer to view the property without encountering the animal.
  • Driveway-Garage Clean any grease or oil spots from the drive areas and garage floor. Make sure the garage door operates as designed. If possible, keep your vehicles in an area that allows a Buyer to approach the property and park conveniently.
  • Fencing Repair any gates or damaged fencing. Many times you can see any problems with fencing from the street. Generally, repairs to fencing are not very expensive and the resulting improvement in appearance is worth the investment.
  • Roof Clean any debris off the roof including tree limbs and leaves. Straighten gutters if present and repair if necessary.
  • Air Conditioning Keep fresh and clean filters in the return grill. Repaint the exterior unit if rusted and old in appearance.
  • Patio and Desks Keep the exterior lounge areas furnished and clean. Comfortable patio furniture suggests it is nice to be outside and makes a property more appealing.
  • Swimming Pool Keep the pool sparkling. If the pool looks like it takes work to maintain it can discourage lookers. Keep furniture organized and pool equipment out of site.
  • Screens Repair or replace any bent or missing screens

Overall Interior

  • Floors – Doors – Walls. Keep all floors and carpets clean. If necessary, steam clean the carpets to remove evidence of soiling and walking paths. Clean woodwork and doors. If any doors are damaged or door knobs missing, get them replaced. Walls should be clean and fresh.
  • Make sure all light fixtures are working and light bulbs are installed. Ceiling fans should operable with fan body and fan blades free of dust. If replacement or repair of electrical fixtures are needed, be sure to have a licensed contractor do the work.
  • Plumbing fixtures should be clean and in good operating condition. Badly stained or chipped sinks are best replaced.
  • Appliances should be clean and operational. Keep a decorative dish towel at the oven and one on the refrigerator handle for color. If any of the appliances are not fully operational be sure to let your agent know so property condition can be disclosed.

Arrange Your Home for a Spacious Look

One of the best and least expensive ways to improve the way your home shows is to open as much space as possible. Openness almost always leaves buyers with a more positive feeling about the property. Overstuffed rooms, closets, and cabinets give buyers the impression rooms, closets and cabinets are smaller than they are. You can not change the size so try to make what you have as pleasing as possible. If necessary, consider moving some items into a temporary storage area to free up space.

The same principle applies to your garage
  • Everyone needs storage space. If your garage is well organized and open it will leave the impression the home has plenty of storage space.
    Keep countertops, pantries, medicine cabinets and linen closets as empty as possible. Again, open space implies adequacy. Tight and congested space
implies inadequacy.
  • Keep countertop appliances off the countertop if possible
  • Keep pantries stocked but open
  • Keep your medicine cabinet clean and uncluttered. Almost every buyer looks into the medicine cabinet because they are curious and because so much time is spent in the bathroom. The buyer of your property wants to know they will have enough space in this very important room.
  • Keep linen cabinets organized and open. Most homes do not have enough linen space. Don’t let the look of your cabinet announce this condition to every prospective buyer.

Help Getting Your Home Ready to Sell- Concierge Services

If you are unfamiliar with the providers of services such as painting, heavy cleaning, roof work, wood work, furniture moving, power washing and fencing – Skiles & Associates Real Estate, Inc. may be able to help. We have a long history in the community working with service providers. If you prefer, we can help you prepare you home. If necessary, we can take car of it all. You simply move out and we will get your home ready for market.

Get Your Home Ready

Skiles & Associates Real Estate, Inc. may be able to assist with many of the logistical issues involved in preparing your home for sale. Because of our long history in the community we have developed working relationships with many of the services you might seek in preparing your home for sale. Examples are cleaning services, paint contractors, carpet and other flooring services, fence repairs, and landscaping. Skiles & Associates Real Estate, Inc. can provide concierge services and assist with these issues. When listing your home be sure to ask about our concierge services.
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